What actually is post editing?
Post-editing deals with a machine-translated text, which is why it is also referred to as Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE). Post-editing is the process by which a linguist, often known as a post-editor, edits a text that has been translated by a neuro machine translation in order to produce an acceptable and naturally readable product.
We distinguish between 2 different types of post-editing: light post-editing and full post-editing.
1. Light post-editing (basic or rudimentary post-editing)
In light post-editing, spelling, grammatical errors, significant content errors and semantic misunderstandings are all corrected and enhanced. While this process does not achieve perfect results, it can significantly elevate the quality of a machine-generated translation. Light post-editing is especially valuable in the translation market when dealing with extensive documents where time is critical. Moreover, it helps to improve the readability of texts produced by machine translation systems, making them more user-friendly. Adhering to post-editing guidelines can streamline the post-editing effort and enhance the overall quality.
2. Full post-editing (comprehensive or complete post-editing)
Full post-editing involves combining machine translation with thorough post-editing techniques, allowing the creation of translations that are virtually identical to those created by human translators. This process not only corrects the linguistic errors but also includes stylistic and cultural adjustments. As outlined in any comprehensive guide to post editing, this approach is becoming increasingly popular among companies that need high-quality translations but lack the budget for fully human translations. Post-editing of machine translation is the best way to ensure a high standard of accuracy and readability.
However, both light and full post-editing can only be used for certain types of text: those that are highly conformist and well regulated, and only for certain language combinations that are frequently in demand, such as German-English or English-German.
Are there limits to machine translation and post-editing?
In the last 10 years, neuro machine translation engines have made a quantum leap in their development. Machine translations can now achieve astonishingly high-quality results when it comes to factual specialist texts containing certain repetitive phrases or jargon, such as contracts, general terms, conditions, etc. However, machine translators and online translation tools are still often unable to notice allusions, convey the character or emotional charge of a text or translate idioms as correctly as a specialist translator can.
Combine machine translation speed with human expertise. Contact Skrivanek now for first-class post-editing services!

Errors can also occur in a machine-translated text if the computer does not understand the context in which a word occurs or if it does not recognize certain foreign or loan words.
Text elements where errors occur particularly frequently are titles, people’s names, company names, as well as addresses, which are not recognized by direct translation systems – regardless of the respective machine translation application.
In the case of specialist texts, it would also be a mistake if the translation program did not consider the terminology previously used by the customer or terminology specific to the specialist field. Professional translations into the target language are a better choice in this case.

Post editing services at Skrivanek
Here at the Skrivanek Translation Agency, we provide an extensive array of translation services, including both machine translation and post-editing. We utilize our proprietary neural machine translation (NMT) system, which mimics the workings of the human brain through neural networks. This enables the system to compile databases of sentence combinations from a translation memory (TM), a tool also employed by professional translators to expedite the translation process.
Post-editing is gaining traction, primarily because of its cost-effectiveness and time efficiency, despite some compromises on quality. This innovation in the translation industry can be particularly beneficial for translating operating manuals, internal communications, and other company documents.
When outlining order specifics, we assist you in determining whether neural machine translation and post-editing are suitable for your needs, or whether a standard human translation would be more appropriate. Our services leverage advanced language science press techniques to enhance our post-editing skills, ensuring the highest quality post-edited text.
Together with you, we can then also decide whether light or full post-editing should be conducted.
How can post editing be measured? The ISO 18587 standard
Here at Skrivanek we have been the proud holder of ISO 18587:2017 certification for post-editing services for several years now.
The ISO 18587 standard is still relatively new and sets internationally valid standards for post-editing. The aim is to measurably and continuously improve the quality of the post-editing process.
This certification is primarily concerned with the post-editing process and workflow, with project managers playing a significant role. They check whether the topic and content are suitable for machine translation with subsequent post-editing. Highly regulated text types are comparatively well suited to NMT, while free and creative text types, such as marketing texts, are less so.
The project manager then checks your requirements. Is the translation purely for internal purposes or is it to be published? Accordingly, the project manager sets up a light post-editing project (slight changes to ensure comprehensibility) or a full post-editing project (complete editing until ready for publication) and assigns the project to competent post-editors who have the required specialist qualifications. The project manager also documents the feedback from the post-editor and their performance. Finally, they are also responsible for meeting the agreed deadlines and delivering the finished product to the customer.
The advantages of post editing
Machine translation offers significant benefits in terms of speed and cost efficiency, making the translation process much faster as well as time-saving. When combined with post-editing, the accuracy and quality of the translations are markedly improved, as our professional translators correct errors, inadequacies, and ambiguities. Full post-editing also involves adjusting the tone and ensuring the content aligns with the context of the source text.
This combination of machine translation and post-editing represents an optimal compromise between the rapidity of automated translation and the quality of human translation. It is particularly effective for translating repetitive texts into multiple widely-used languages within a short timeframe.
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